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Our team

Roots is kept alive by its community of members, volunteers and supporters. Find out more about us, and get in touch if you'd like to join in!

Friends of Roots

Would you like Roots to keep on bringing joy to Kingsholm? Friends of Roots are supporters who are willing to make regular financial contributions to enable Roots to continue operating as a community hub, even when the shop has a lean month.


Contributions from Friends also allow us to keep the costs down for use of the community hall and help us to offer affordable drinks, food and refill shopping to the community.


If you would like to be a Friend, please set up a standing order to our bank account below, for however much you feel happy to give. Every contribution is valuable - whether it is £1 a month or £50 a month! We so appreciate your support.


Please use a reference so that we can identify you, and then fill in the form to the right so that we know who you are and can make sure we say thank you!


These are our bank details:


Name: Roots Renewed CIC

Sort code: 08-92-99

Account number: 67341139


You're also very welcome to make a one off donation to our bank account, or through the till in the shop.



I want to be a Friend of Roots!


We rely on volunteers to keep Roots operating.


Some sit in the shop to provide support to staff who would otherwise be working alone.

Some clean tables and wash up during busy periods. 

Some help with DIY tasks as they are needed. 

Some use the kitchen to bake cakes or prepare other food for Roots to sell.

Some organise clubs or groups in the community space. 


If you are interested in volunteering in some capacity, please email us at and let us know what you would like to offer. All volunteers will need to agree to Roots' Volunteer Policy and go through a process of orientation.

Roots Members

Behind everything that happens at Roots is the group of people who make up 'Roots Renewed Community Interest Company'. We're a group of individuals from Kingsholm and the surrounding area who want to make a difference in our community.  See below to find out a little more about us and why we think Roots is so special.


Are you interested in becoming a member? If so, please email

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